暑中お見舞い2022 Summer Greetings


秋学期、”learning by doing”を地で行く授業をやりたいと思い、楽しく思いをめぐらせています。

On the table after meeting with two third-year undergraduates who can notice subtle everyday practices.

I am enjoying the thought of teaching a class in the fall semester that will be grounded in “learning by doing.”



社会学部メディア専攻の劉雪雁さんと 松山 秀明 さん、そして水出幸輝さんの3人が担当された授業で、学生さんたちのインタビューを受けました。



Kansai University is just one week away from summer vacation.

I was interviewed by a group of students as part of a class in the media major.

This is an essay by one of them.

I am somewhat “happy and embarrassed.” Thank you, guys!

Launching an independent nexus: INSTeM


On July 1, 2022, Osamu Sakura and I launched a foundation called INSTeM (Inter-field Network for Science, Technology and Media Studies) with a donation from Yang Hyun Chun, a Korean digital media entrepreneur.

The full-scale launch is this fall.

It will succeed and develop the activities of “5: Designing Media Ecology.”

Stay tuned!

2022年7月1日、佐倉統さんと私は、韓国のデジタル・メディアの起業家である千良鉉さんの寄附によって、INSTeM(インステム:Inter-field Network for Science, Technology and Media Studies)という財団を立ち上げました。


『5:Designing Media Ecology』の活動を継承、発展させていく予定です。
