Three-Dimensional Model of Media Literacy on YouTube

My short talk about a three-dimensional media literacy concept, shot by Thammasat University in Thailand on November 15 during the international academic seminar “Digital Media Literacy Movement: Glocalising Media Literacy in Cultural Contexts and Creating Communities for Building Connections,” is now available on YouTube!

Three-Dimensional Model of Media Literacy (Mizukoshi, 2020)
Group photo of seminar participants and organisers (2024)








July 25, 2023, the first day of the intensive course

At the end of last July, I gave a four-day intensive course at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSII) of the University of Tokyo titled “The Future of Media and Literacy.”

I divided media theory and media literacy into three dimensions and conducted three workshops corresponding to each. The purpose was to provide a deep understanding of media and literacy, not speculatively, but experientially.

For the third dimension of designing a platform, I conducted a workshop called “Magical Transformation (Makaizo) of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III) and GSII as A Learning Platform.”

A workshop record is now available on the III/GSII website.

Thanks to Jimmine Yoo for taking the photos and writing the report.

Everyone had a great time, see you again!