This event will be changed to a hybrid event! (July 12, 2023)
On August 4, Aaron Chu, visiting professor at Kansai University, will give a second lecture.
Why don’t you join us?
関西大学客員教授のAaron Chuさんが方法論としての批判的デザインという魅力的なテーマでお話しくださいます。
Title 題目:
The Critical Design in the Context of PostPhenomenology

Abstract 概要:
Critical design is a practical strategy through design that uncovers potentially hidden agendas and values, and explores alternative design values. A Critical Design practice challenges an audience’s pre-conceptions, provoking new ways of thinking about the object, its use, and the surrounding culture.
Also, Critical Design often uses various artistic devices to express its concerns regarding rapid technological progress and its criticism of scales of mass production, as well as of contemporary capitalism. It questions the negative impact of these phenomena on human society through artistic creation and design.
Against this background, is it possible that cross-border cooperation between art and design can help to strike a balance between each other, and that this cooperation can help to express a “caring-for-society”?
This talk will adopt a post-phenomenological perspective to design and arts and take examples from contemporary Taiwanese artists and designers’ works to understand the relationship between the existence of art/ design and the role of technology. This understanding is critical because the rapid pace of technological change and the increasing role of technology in the world of art/design are obvious.
Lecturer 講師:
Chih-Yung Aaron CHIU, Professor
Chair, Graduate Institute of Art and Technology.
Director, Interdisciplinary Program of Technology and Art,
College of Arts, National Tsing Hua University
邱誌勇 教授
Moderator 司会:
Shin Mizukoshi
Professor of Media Studies
Kansai University
関西大学社会学部メディア専攻 教授
Date 日時:
16:00-18:00, Friday, August 4, 2023
Venue 場所:
A203, Faculty of Sociology, Senriyama Campus, Kansai University
Online Participation オンライン参加:
Click Below 下記をクリック
How to Hold The Event 開催方法:
- Free of Charge 参加費無料
- Those who wish to participate in person need not apply in advance; please come directly on the event day.
- Those who wish to participate online must register in advance at the URL above.