暑中お見舞い2022 Summer Greetings


秋学期、”learning by doing”を地で行く授業をやりたいと思い、楽しく思いをめぐらせています。

On the table after meeting with two third-year undergraduates who can notice subtle everyday practices.

I am enjoying the thought of teaching a class in the fall semester that will be grounded in “learning by doing.”



社会学部メディア専攻の劉雪雁さんと 松山 秀明 さん、そして水出幸輝さんの3人が担当された授業で、学生さんたちのインタビューを受けました。



Kansai University is just one week away from summer vacation.

I was interviewed by a group of students as part of a class in the media major.

This is an essay by one of them.

I am somewhat “happy and embarrassed.” Thank you, guys!

Launching an independent nexus: INSTeM


On July 1, 2022, Osamu Sakura and I launched a foundation called INSTeM (Inter-field Network for Science, Technology and Media Studies) with a donation from Yang Hyun Chun, a Korean digital media entrepreneur.

The full-scale launch is this fall.

It will succeed and develop the activities of “5: Designing Media Ecology.”

Stay tuned!

2022年7月1日、佐倉統さんと私は、韓国のデジタル・メディアの起業家である千良鉉さんの寄附によって、INSTeM(インステム:Inter-field Network for Science, Technology and Media Studies)という財団を立ち上げました。


『5:Designing Media Ecology』の活動を継承、発展させていく予定です。


Listen to ICA Podcast: One World, One Network?

I had a joyful online meeting with Chen Changfeng (China) and Myria Georgiou (U.K.) hosted by Jack Qiu (Singapore) last year. It was edited and is now on the ICA Podcast Network as the third episode of “One World, One Network?.”

“One World, One Network!?” is the central theme of the 72nd ICA Conference. So, our podcast pieces are preludes of the event in Paris.

Logo mark of One World, One Network!?


I am afraid I will not able to join the ICA 2022.

But this kind of net services will help global researchers to keep their network easily.

Be Chimera: My first and last interview by iii

I was given my first and last interview by the PR Committee of the University of Tokyo’s Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (iii).
In the first half of the interview, I talked about the process of establishing the discipline of media studies in Japan and the interdisciplinary and practical media theory I promoted at the iii.


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